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Unlocking the Power of the Triple Gem: How Buddham, Dhammam, and Sangham Can Transform Your Life

aura cleansing near me buddham buddhism daily practice dhammam guru higher self sangha seekers spirituality transform your life triple gem Jan 25, 2023

Buddhism is a path of spiritual awakening, and at the heart of this path lies the Triple Gem - Budham, Dhammam, and Sangham. These three elements represent the Buddha as the enlightened one, the Dhamma as the method he taught, and the Sangha as the community of seekers.

The chant "Buddham saranam gacchaami, dhammam saranam gacchaami, sangham saranam gacchaami" translates to "I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dhamma, I take refuge in the Sangha." This chant serves as a reminder of the importance of these three elements in the path towards enlightenment.

But what does it truly mean to take refuge in the Triple Gem, and how can it transform our lives?

The company we keep plays a significant role in shaping our beliefs and actions. Just as being among smokers can lead one to become a smoker, being among seekers of spirituality can lead one to become a seeker themselves. The Sangha, or community of seekers, is essential in providing support and guidance on the path towards enlightenment.

Additionally, the Triple Gem helps us to shed the lies and illusions that cloud our understanding of the world, and aids us in finding the truth. The Buddha, as the guru or Higher Self, represents the ultimate goal of spiritual awakening. The Dhamma, as the scriptures or other means of spiritual wisdom, is the method to reach that goal. And the Sangha, as the group of seekers, supports us on our journey.

As we reflect on the meaning of the Triple Gem and its significance in our lives, it is important to contemplate the role of the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha in our personal journey. Take some time to journal your thoughts on this subject, and discover the power of the Triple Gem for yourself. Remember that the quest for spiritual understanding is ongoing and ever-evolving. Embrace the journey and unlock the power of the Triple Gem to transform your life.


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