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Celebrating the Success of our First Live Workshop

celebration inspiration Jul 26, 2021

When you trust and have 100 % faith, Universe will never fail you.

How many times have you heard this, when you do things that you truly love, Universe conspires to make it happen? If every step you take is on your true path leading to your true purpose, Universe has your back.

Once you experience the magic and power of the universe, nothing looks impossible that you can't do. Of course, you will make mistakes, but who doesn't :)

Today, I wanted to share something extraordinary that I witnessed, and to be able to lock this memory, I am writing this post. 

This post is to capture the magic that we witnessed yesterday.

Many things were going at My Positivity Matters recently, and amongst so many things, we also planned our first official paid workshop. The title for the workshop was INTUITION Workshop: SIGNS, SYMBOLS & SYNCHRONICITIES, offered by Nivedita Ganapathi, the founder, and coach at My Positivity Matters.


Here is Nivedita's story regarding the workshop that she shared on Friday, two days before the workshop date. (Workshop was on Sunday, 25th July 2021.

"After my morning meditation today, it struck me that it is not a coincidence that this INTUITION WORKSHOP is happening on July 25, 2021.

A group member, Paru, had requested this workshop back in March of this year. I had announced that I would do it in May, but it is only happening on July 25, 2021!!!

And I wondered why?

It has to do with the Guru Principle and the vibration of the #7

Intuition is being “In tune” with the Guiding Principle!
7 is the number for spiritual creation.

We have two 7s already.
July= 7th month
25th= 2+5=7

We need another 7 to hit the 777 Magical portals to receive spiritual transformation in our body, mind, and intellect.

It would be nice to have 25 participants in this workshop to make it a magical 777

Currently, we have 11 people already registered and 7 who will register soon.
We need 7 more participants to reach our spiritual number of 777

Would you please pass the Intuition workshop detail to others who might be needing this information?

I am waiting excitedly to see who the Universe will send to this group energyπŸ™πŸΌπŸ’•"

Nivedita Ganapathi


This was our first live workshop on our My Positivity Matters platform.

Nivedita decided 25th July as the date for hosting the workshop with 25 participants. We were at 11 registered participants on Friday and had some verbal commitments. Till Saturday, we were at 15-16 before I slept. Sunday morning, just within 1 hour before our workshop, people started signing up.

So many synchronizations we observed all over, and we got exactly 25 registrations. Not one more and not one less. This is the precision of the Universe. I have no words to explain anything here. Nivedita always said we would have 25 participants, and I was not sure how but yesterday, we could witness the magic of the Universe. 

I was going to meditate around 9 just before the workshop, but something happened at my house, and I got distracted, so I couldn’t meditate. Later I realized I had to do last-minute coordination to get all the new people to join for the workshop. Had I sat in meditation, we would not be having 25 people signing up for the workshop. That incident made my faith even more strong.

Here are some messages that we got right before the event-

"Ragini- it’s pouring here, so not taking kids out till later- I’m joining you 😻😻😻" (Doreen)

"So happy to join. The universe aligned me to this as there was zero possibility of me joining today!" (Suman)

" I arrived early morning, terribly jet-lagged, but something was telling me that I need to be here in this workshop" (Archana)

 "3 of my friends will join. And wanted to thank you for bringing beyond an amazing platform for spreading rays of knowledge." (Shilpa)

Shilpa joined and also brought 3 more participants to the workshop. Without her help, we wouldn't be able to have 25 participants for the workshop.

When I thanked Shilpa, this is what she said- "You don’t have to thank me
I am thankful to you and Nita for giving us an opportunity to explore infinite options. I am just passing on those opportunities to others too."

These are a few stories, but there were many more that we got to know during our workshop :)


You know you are doing the right thing and get a lot more validation when you see these synchronicities and meet such amazing people who uplift you and enable you to do so much more. 

From the bottom of my heart, I thank Nivedita Ganapathi for showing me how to trust, have faith, and learn to cultivate Intuition. I thank all the community members, old and new, who signed up and joined the workshop.

Ultimately I thank The UNIVERSE for supporting all of us and showing that magic is possible when you trust. 

Do let us know if you want to register and watch the recorded workshop when it's available on the website. 


Ragini Mishra, My Positivity Matters 

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