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Connecting with Your Higher Self: 5 Ways to Do it

meditation mindset Apr 08, 2022

The higher self is more than your physical form that people know and see. It is the real, eternal, and unlimited you that excites you with intuition, inspiration and uses insight to teach you. The higher self communicates using gut feelings and intuitions, but most of the time, we ignore the signals. Some of the best ways to communicate with your higher self include: 


This is one of the most powerful and common ways to connect and communicate with your higher self. Imagine yourself in a silent, tranquil, relaxed, and peaceful place where you love being in, or imagine warm and loving energy surrounding you. 

You can then imagine your higher self as a physical being or a best friend, and once you feel the presence, you can ask for answers about what is bothering you. The answers might come in different forms like images, feelings, or words, but you have to be open to the answers. 

You can also practice mindfulness meditation, where you are present in the moment, and let the higher consciousness help you become mindful of your day, especially during challenging situations. 

Intuitive writing or journaling

This involves asking questions then writing the immediate answers that immediately come to you or what your gut feeling tells you. Later, you should read the answers, being aware of your emotional and physical response. 


This is another common way the higher consciousness speaks to you. You get your most vivid dreams in your REM sleep, and that is usually your higher consciousness trying to give you clues about some aspects of your life. 

If you want to expand your consciousness, try remembering your dreams and writing down whatever detail you remember, no matter how small. 

Letting go of  baggage

One of the reasons why people might not hear from their higher consciousness is because there is too much emotional and mental baggage. Try different ways to get rid of the baggage, like spiritual guidance, and determine what makes you feel unhappy. 

Discovering your spirit guide

Spirit guides are dually powerful beings that enable us to connect with courage, truth, love, and wisdom in us. They can also help you connect with your higher consciousness and rediscover yourself. 

When trying to connect and communicate with your higher consciousness, you have to clear your mind of all thoughts and not try so hard.  That is because if you try hard and don’t feel anything, you might get anxious, which will make it harder. Try to be as relaxed as possible and listen to all your senses.

Communicating with your higher self could make your inspirations and intuitions bigger than what you think they are. Keep these 5 tips in mind the next time you are attempting to make a spiritual connection!


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